Plan de lecție - passive voice

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Publicat de: Viviana Boboc
Puncte necesare: 7
Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Vrasmas

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LESSON TITLE: Big Brother is Watching You!

TOPIC: Passive Voice

STUDENTS’ LEVEL: Upper-Intermediate, 10th grade.

DATE: 20th of May

MATERIALS: blackboard, textbook, handouts

ASSIGNMENTS OF THE PREVIOUS LESSON: The students had to write 6 sentences presenting the activities illustrated in the picture provided by the teacher at the end of the previous class.

WARMING UP ACTIVITIES: The teacher asks the students Yes or No questions

Handout 1 about the picture such as:

Is the street in the picture being cleaned?

Is the car in the picture damaged?

Are the windows being cleaned?

Is the child in the picture checked by the doctor?

Is the car filled with gas?

Is the house painted?

Individual work

Time: 5 min.


Activity 1: The teacher asks the students to write full answers to the questions mentioned

above on the left side of the blackboard. Then they are asked to write on the

right side of the blackboard the sentences which are equivalent in meaning

and were provided by them in their homework.

e.g. Is the street in the picture being cleaned?

Yes, it is being cleaned.( on the left side of the blackboard)

A man is cleaning the street. (on the right side of the blackboard,

sentence from their homework)

Individual work

Time: 10 min

Activity 2: The teacher emphasizes to the students that both sentences are correct and

Textbook asks them to remind the notion of Passive Voice taught in the previous years.

p.35 The teacher asks the students to read the Language Check on page 35 which

presents Passive Voice.

Individual work

Time: 5 min

Activity 3: The teacher writes on the blackboard the same sentence put into different

tenses into active voice and passive voice, explaining to the students the

changes that occur ( the object of the main sentence becomes the subject in

the passive sentence, the verb TO BE is put into the same tense as the main

verb of the active sentence, the main verb from the active sentence is used at

the past participle, the subject from the main sentence becomes the agent in

the passive sentence)

Present Simple: They serve dinner- Dinner is served.

Present Continuous: They are serving dinner- Dinner is being served.

Past Simple: They served dinner- Dinner was served. etc

Time: 10 min


Activity 4: The teacher gives the students handouts in which they have to turn some

Handout 2 sentences with two objects into the passive voice and they have to provide 2

sentences into the passive for each sentence into the active voice.

Pair work

Time: 5 min

Activity 5: The teacher asks the students to change some sentences into the passive voice

Textbook from an exercise in the textbook. They also have to state if the agent is

p.35 important or not.

Individual work

Time : 5 min

Activity 6: The teacher explains the students that they will have to practice a role-play

Handout3 activity in groups of 6 using passive voice which is often used to avoid

responsibility. One of them has to be the boss in each group, the others will

have to find excuses to the situations presented by the boss using passive


Group work

Time: 10 min

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