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Publicat de: Mihaela L.
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Extras din referat

- Translate into English. Use the present tense simple or continuous, as appropriate.

1. Te cauta cineva la telefon.

Astazi nu sunt acasa pentru nimeni, si mai ales acum cand imi citesc ziarul meu preferat si nu vreau sa fiu deranjat.

Somebody is looking for you at phone.

I’m not home today for nobody, and even now when I’m reading my preferred newspaper and I don’t want to be disturbed.

2. Nu-i asa ca nu stii noutatea? George studiaza contabilitatea iar Alice urmeaza cursurile Universitatii Berckley, sectia spaniola.

Isn’t so that you don’t know the news? George is studying the accounting, and Alice is taking the Berkley University courses, Spanish sector.

3. In mod obisnuit ne petrecem sfarsitul de saptamana intr-un sat din apropierea orasului.

Usually we are spending our weekend in a village near the town.

4. De cate ori vin la voi, cineva canta la vioara in apartamentul vecin.

Every time I’m coming to you somebody is singing at violin in the next apartment.

5. Directorul este foarte ocupat acum. Studiaza proiectul pentru noua aripa a fabricii.

The director is very busy now. He is studying the project for the new wing of the company.

6. Uneori Dunarea ingheata in luna ianuarie.

Sometimes the Danube is freezing in January.

7. Noii investitori te asteapta in fata cladirii.

The new investitors are waiting for you in front of the building.

8. Vacanta de vara tine doua luni. In fiecare an mergem doua saptamani la mare.

The summer holiday takes two months. Every year we are going to the seaside two weeks.

- Put the verbs in brackets in the simple past tense.

A Summer Day

1. Last Sunday my friend and I (leave) left town early in the morning.

2. We (drive) drove to our favorite picnic spot by the Lake Michigan.

3. The road (wind) winded gently around the hills.

4. When we (get) got hungry, we (stop) stopped at a bakery.

5. The baker (sell) sold us freshly baked rolls.

6. When we (reached) reached the lake, we (park) parked our car and (lay) laid down our picnic things.

7. We (eat) ate a hearty breakfast, then (feed) fed the birds with crumbs from our meal.

8. The weather (be) was great. The sun (shine) shined all morning and a mild wind (keep) kept blowing.

9. About noon the wind (grow) grew in intensity.

10. It (bend) bent the branches of the trees and (blow) blew away our plastic cups and plates.

11. Suddenly the day (lose) lost all its charm.

12. The birds (fly) flew down in circles around us. That (mean) meant rain.

13. Very soon it (start) started to pour with rain. The rain (fall) fell heavily on us and our picnic things.

- Fill in the gaps with suitable words at the end of the list


When you make(1) a telephone call abroad you must make sure you know, besides the called party's number, the country and area code (2). lf you want to reach someone who works with the company, you might get (3) through to her/him using either a direct line or the switchboard. If the latter is the case, the operator will identify the company's name and ask you what she/he can do (4) for you. You will mention either the department and the name of the person you'd like to speak to or the extension (5) number.

If that extension is busy (6), she/he cannot put (7) you through at once. So you will be asked to hang (8) the line or making (9) up and call again later. When you have finally been put through there is a chance that the person you are looking for is not available (10). She/he may be out (11) for a while, or may be in conference (12), or even on a leave (13) of absence. The secretary, who takes (14) the call, will offer to take (15) a message if you wish to leave (16) one. She/he will reassure (17) you that the message will be passed (18) on her boss and she/he will call you back as soon as possible. If you have the chance to find your man from the first attempt, you will hold (19) down to business and maybe get (20) an appointment or any other arrangements that are required.

Available, busy, code, conference, do, extension, get (2 times), hang, hold, leave (2 times), make, making, out, passed, put, reassure, take, takes.

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