Sales Contract

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Sales Contract

Between Nuff-Niff Ltd., Opera Business Centre, 124 Intependentei Street, 78 234 Bucharest, Romania, hereinafter referred to as Buyer, on the one part, and Collorella S.p.A., 23 Via Berteloni 23, 00132, Rome, Italy, hereinafter referred to as Seller, on the other part, hereby agree on this 31st day of October, in the year 2007, to the following terms.

A. Subject of the Contract

The Buyer has to purchase and the Seller has to sell men’s and boy’s sweaters in assorted sizes, colours and designs according to the Purchase Order RC 3289 and Collorella Offer which constitutes integrant parts of the present Contract. Products are to be used in Romania, in shops for the Christmas shopping.

B. Price and Total Amount of the Contract

The prices are fixed in USD, include a 15% trade discount and are understood CIF- Bucharest

The total amount of the present contract is 2326.60 USD.

The prices are fixed and not subject to any alterations.

C. Delivery Date

The goods will be delivered not later than 1 November 2007.

D. Payment

The Buyer will pay against the following documents: Invoice, Packing List, Certificate of Conformity, Insurance Policy, International WayBill. The Seller will send the shipping documents and the Seller’s sight draft to BCR Sector 5, Bucharest.

E. Penalties

The parties have agrees upon the following penalties to be applied in the event of failure in observing the obligations set forth hereinafter.

In the event of considerable quantitative/qualitative claims, in addition to discount or replacement of goods claimed, the Seller undertakes to pay penalties for non-delivery in due course of time, in the percentage agreed under the present contract for any delays in delivery.

The total amount of penalties will not exceed 5% of the value of the late shipment.

F. Warranty

The quality of the delivered goods shall be guaranteed by the manufacturer with the Quality Certificate.

The Seller is responsible for any quality deficiencies occurs during the quality reception made at the destination and during the guaranteed period, and also for hidden vices occurs within the period of utilization of the goods delivered under the present contract. The guaranteed period shall not be in effect during periods when the Buyer cannot use the goods because of defects for which the Seller is liable.

In such case, for the good delivered under the present contract, the warranty period shall be extended with the period when the warranty period was suspended because of the Seller’s fault.

For the parts which have been replaced or repaired within the warranty period of the goods delivered under the present contract, the warranty shall start from the replacement or repairing moments and it will have the same period as the initial warranty granted by the Seller for the good delivered under the present contract.

G. Claims

The Claims can be filled by the Buyer against the Seller as follows:

a) Quantitative claims – within 30 days as from the date the goods will have been received at the final destination under the findings certificates issued by a neutral organization;

b) Qualitative claims – within 60 days as from the date of the goods arrival at the final destination under the findings certificate issued by an authorized organization, analysis bulletins, photos and samples required;

c) In the event of quality deficiencies occurred during the guarantee period and also for those caused by hidden vices during the normal period of utilization, the claims are to be filed within 60 days from their appearance. Within 30 days from the date when the claim has been received, the Seller has the obligation to solve the claims.

The settlement of claims will consist in replacing the defective goods or in the manner, if agreed upon.

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