Veșmintele liturgice

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Publicat de: Remus A.
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Liturgical hats

The Christian church is a divine place where the Savior's teaching is preserved, and some sacred works for the salvation of believers are accomplished.

The use of the garments in the Christian Church is very old. Ever since the time of the apostles, the Apostle Paul in Epistle II Timothy 6:13 brings us arguments on this.

In the early Christian ages, both those who attended the service and those who were serving were clothed in some of the clothes they used only for that purpose.

Some of these dresses were made according to the Old Testament model, and others were made in accordance with their use in cult and the mysterious (symbolic) meaning attributed to them by the interpreters of the cult in the course of time.

In terms of the color of the material from which the garments were made at first, the white color was a symbol of purity. Later, however, from the 4th century, other colors began to be used as well:

White - symbolizes the icon of joy and purity

Red - symbolizes the blood shed by our Lord, Jesus Christ and His Saints "

The green and blue - the symbol of hope in the everlasting happiness

Black and purple - the symbol of repentance

Because in our church hierarchy there are three distinct steps, we also have special garments that are used by the holy ministers of every step of the clergy, namely:

1.For the deacon stage are:

- the jerk

- the sleeves

- the timetable

2.For the rank of priest priests are:

- the jerk

- epitrahil

- the girdle

- the sleeves

- the felon

3.For the hierarchy, the garments are:

- Stiharul

- Epitrahil

- Breast

- Sleeves

- Epigonate

- Sacos

- Omophor

- The cross

- Engolpion

- Mitra

- Mantia

- The poet's arch

- Dicherul

- Tricher


STIHAR - is a long and wide outer body covering the whole body, like Aaron's body, called the gown. He reminds us of those enlightened vestments in which the angels appeared during the resurrection and the day of the Lord's heavenly lifting. In ancient times they were made of white materials, that's why it was called white.

THE HANDS - is a kind of cuff with which the stich sleeves are tightened, having the practical role of not obstructing the servant in fulfilling his duties during the Holy Mass. They symbolize the power with which the servant is worthy and reminds us of those ties to which our Lord Jesus Christ was bound during His passions.

Simeon of Thessalonica shows us that the sleeves imagine "the work of God, the atotpathat, and that Jesus Christ himself by his hands, has made the sacrifice of his body and blood." The sleeves are used by both deacon and priest and priest.

TIME - made up of a piece of long and narrow cloth.

The oldest mention of the Deacon Timeline dates back to the fourth century.

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