Vincon Vrancea

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Publicat de: Alin A.
Puncte necesare: 6
Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Sutu Florentin


  1. 1. General presentation 1
  2. 2. Product 2
  3. 2.1. Range 2
  4. 2.2. Quality 3
  5. 2.3. Technology 3
  6. 2.4. Branding 4
  7. 2.5. Reputation 5
  8. 3. Price 5
  9. 4. Place 6
  10. 5. Promotion

Extras din referat

1. General presentation

Established in 1949, Vincon Vrancea developed its activity within the years and become one of the most outstanding Romanian producer for wines, brandy, wine based vinegar and other alcoholic beverages.

Vincon Vrancea vineyards that covers more than 2150 hectares, are located in some of the most prestigious viticultural area from Romania:

- The Sub-Charpatiens hills – in three well-known vineyards: Panciu, Odobeşti, Coteşti, located right in the heart of the “homogeneous viticultural area from the whole country” as mentioned by the prestigious expert Valeriu Cotea in “ Romanian vine and vineyards “;

- The Sub-Charpatiens hills – in the well-known vineyard Dealu- Cernateşti;

- Dobrogea Region – in the South of Murfatlar vineyard, in a special place called Chirnogeni- the presence of viticultural activities in this area, was mentioned by the famous Latin poet Publius Ovidius Naso;

- Moldavian Hills in the heart of Huşi vineyard – a place where viticultural activities dated since century IV-III before Christ

2. Product

A product should draw attention to three terms: customer needs, acceptability and objects. About the customer needs, the product should answer to these needs. When you reffer to wine, you are inclined to say that this product satisfy only your physiological needs, but this is not necessarly true; it can satisfy also your relational needs because when you drink a glass of wine you are with your family or friends and you enjoy this way a nice meal.

Acceptability reffers to the matter if people may aprove or may not your product. Some people, because of the religion or education , don’ t drink alcohol so this way you can say that are nonconsumers of Vincon products. Also, it is very known that the law prohibites the sale of alcohol to children under the age of 18 years.

Objects raise questions about the products you sell, the way it are made and the quality these products have. About objects will talk later when we present range, technology and quality.

2.1. Range

The vineyards potential and diversity permit Vincon Vrancea to obtain a large variety of wines, such as: Fetească Albă, Fetească Regală, Sarbă, Galbenă de Odobeşti, Tămâioasă Românească, Grasă, Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, Muscat Ottonel, Busuioacă de Bohotin, Fetească Neagră, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Pinot Noir.

2.2. Quality

Beciul Domnesc Cellar from Odobesti, is the biggest professional vinoteque in Romania with more than 100.000 bottles of collection wines, the oldest one dated from 1949. This particular cellar is the real expression of history and art, the wines shetltered here are covered by dust as a symbol of their authenticity and nobility. For quality wines that have been selected to joint this collection, time of ageing is essential, because its influence on the colour, aroma and mainly to the bouquet of wine - the “bottle bouquet” that make the difference. The native taste of collection wines achieve during the ageing period exalting notes of cinnamon, coffee and chocolate that that takes you back in time and allow you to rediscover in your memory the most wonderful moments of a life time.

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Vincon Vrancea - Pagina 9

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