Immanuel Kant

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Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Eric Flynn

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Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) is a modern world rationalist. His view on morality is based on reason alone. He rejects other philosophers’ views on ethics that are based on the senses. He argues that what we know has already been filtered through our mind, so we cannot think independently from our mental functions. Kant even rejects the well-known cause and effect relationship. In fact he questions everything. Even science cannot be accurate since human beings cannot have objective knowledge about anything. However, he approves of Hobbes’ statement that human beings are mainly concerned about their own good. The only two principles he is certain of are the principle of identity and the principle of non-contradiction. So, he bases his theory on these two rules. Kant formulates the famous Categorical Imperative. In addition, he believes in a universal ethics that applies equally to each individual.

Kant believes that human nature has not adequate basis for ethics because what we know may not be accurate. People cannot know what is true outside or independent of their mind. He uses the term phenomena to depict reality as it seems to be and noumena to depict reality as it really is.

Kant states that people have many positive qualities. However, what is important is how people use these qualities. “Nothing in the world is good without qualifications…nothing except a good will. A good will cannot be used for ill; it is good unconditionally” (The Story of Ethics, p.66). So, a good will is only good if it comes from the motivation of duty. Kant classifies actions into four categories. The first one is immoral actions, actions that are inconsistent, and contradictory. The second and third type is action done according to duty, but with different intent. The fourth type is goodwill actions. They are based on the intent of duty and on moral law. “Only such actions have moral worth…In the person of good will, inclinations are subordinate to the sense of duty” (The Story of Ethics, p.68).

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