Impact of Social Media on Businesses and Advantages of Social Media for Businesses

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  1. Introduction 3
  2. Literature Review 3
  3. The operation of Social Media 3
  4. Businesses and Social Media 3
  5. Benefits of Social Media 5
  6. Disadvantages of Social Media for Business 6
  7. Conclusion 6
  8. Reference List 7

Extras din referat


Social Media refers to the technology that enables sharing of information, ideas, interests, many other things via networks and virtual communities. Social media comprises of a lot of different websites and apps. The most popular apps for social media in current days are Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and TikTok. With Social Media, promotion of any business has become very easy. Social Media is relatively uncensored which means that a company can make whatever content it likes to promote its business. Handling social media is also easy. It can basically be done by sitting in one room (Greenwoodet al., 2016). By using social media, a business can attract a lot more people. Social media enables a company to expand its customer base. The key to establish a good social media base for any business is consistency and creativity. The social media team of any business should be consistent with the posts and promotions in the platforms. They must also product quality content for the social media.

Literature Review

The operation of Social Media

Platforms includes different kinds of applications and websites. The work of these kind of tools are also different. But the fist and common step is that the user needs to create a profile by using his/ her name and their email address. After creating a profile, the user can create, share, and customize contents as per their needs. For example: people using Instagram can click a picture and upload it with a caption. The social media profile will be ‘followed’, ‘subscribed’ or be added as a ‘friend’ depending upon the social media application. Other users of social media can see them in their ‘feed’, ‘stories’, and ‘posts’ and can like and share their views on it. Having a lot of followers indicated one’s popularity (McCosker, 2017). A user having a lot of followers can be called as an influencer. An influencer gets to promote many things in return of which they get money.

Businesses and Social Media

While anyone can sign on for social media, structures have turn out to be a vital part of advertising and marketing for organisations of all sizes and backgrounds. The key to a hit social media is to now no longer deal with it like an additional addendum. Social media profiles of a company should be treated with equal care and respect and must be given the same amount of efforts that a company usually gives to its marketing strategies. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok are commonly used platforms for business. These platforms have high number of followers and promoting business in these platforms are beneficial as it helps to make the business reach to maximum number of people.

Brief Lifespan of Social Media Marketing: The nature of social media is to engage attention of people for a short period of time. A company must design its content in such a way so that it catches the eye of social media users while they are scrolling through the newsfeed. A company must have some catchy headlines, preppy music and colourful template so that it is easier to grab the attention of the users (Grizane and Jurgelane, 2017).

Constant Presence on Social Media: The biggest mistake committed by any organisation that is trying to be on social media is to just open the account and put contents up there and thereafter no activities. Social media users constantly look for contents to get engaged (Ahmadinejad et al., 2017). A product-based company should constantly update about their products and engage and influence the users so that the users are hooked into their profile which in turn increases their promotion and chances of sales.


Ahmadinejad, B. and Najafi Asli, H., 2017. E-business through social media: A quantitative survey (Case study: Instagram). International Journal of Management, Accounting and Economics, 4(1), pp.80-99.

Ananda, A.S., Hernîndez-García, Á. and Lamberti, L., 2016. N-REL: A comprehensive framework of social media marketing strategic actions for marketing organizations. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 1(3), pp.170-180.

Dwivedi, Y.K., Kelly, G., Janssen, M., Rana, N.P., Slade, E.L. and Clement, M., 2018. Social Media: The good, the bad, and the ugly. Information Systems Frontiers, 20(3), pp.419-423.

Greenwood, S., Perrin, A. and Duggan, M., 2016. Social media update 2016. Pew Research Center, 11(2), pp.1-18.

Grizane, T. and Jurgelane, I., 2017. Social media impact on business evaluation. Procedia Computer Science, 104, pp.190-196.

Kumar, S. and Gapta, V., 2017. Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Websites on Young Students. Journal of Humanities Insights, 1(01), pp.34-36.

McCosker, A., 2017. Social media work: Reshaping organisational communications, extracting digital value. Media International Australia, 163(1), pp.122-136.

Rugova, B. and Prenaj, B., 2016. Social media as marketing tool for SMEs: opportunities and challenges. Academic Journal of Business, 2(3), pp.85-97.

Schaupp, L.C. and Bélanger, F., 2019. Social commerce benefits for small businesses: An organizational level study. In Social Entrepreneurship: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 1237-1255). IGI Global.

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