Lesson plan

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Publicat de: Radu Szabo
Puncte necesare: 6

Extras din referat

Grade: 6th

Level: Intermediate

Textbook: Pathway to English: English Factfile

Number of students: 29

Lesson: The Definite and Zero Article

Type of the lesson: Consolidation

Skills: Speaking, Writing, Reading, Listening

Lesson objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

- Identify definite articles and the uses of Zero article;

- Understand the differences between definite and zero articles;

- Review the grammatical structure of definite articles;

- Write correct sentences using articles.

Lesson aims:

- To develop Ss’ ability to use language in real life situation;

- To develop Ss’ speaking and writing skills;

- To develop Ss’ listening-comprehension abilities;

- To activate language functions.

Stages of the lesson

Activity 1: Warm-up

Aim: - introducing students in the atmosphere of the English class;

Procedure: - teacher enters the classroom, greets the Ss., asks them how they

are, if there are any absents;

Students’ activity: Ss. greet the teacher and answer the questions;

Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T;

Time: 3 minutes

Activity 2: Checking homework

Aim: -to check the homework’s correctness;

Procedure: - teacher checks the homework, students read it and the teacher

corrects if necessary;

Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T

Time: 3 minutes

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