Business Management Portfolio - Dex Design Ltd

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Domeniu: Management
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Cuvinte : 1645
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Publicat de: Matilda Tudose
Puncte necesare: 5

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Short Description of the Company

Dex Design is a small limited liability company that operates under the name of GRINDHOUSE: DESIGN & CREATIVE. It is a group of design enthusiasts offering mainly design & creative solutions to clients, partners and friends. It is currently covering a large area of interest such as: identity (starting with naming and logo design, reaching out to implementation campaigns, developing detailed visual identity manuals etc.) and print (from small flyers to large outdoor banners, both design and Desktop Publishing).

It is permanently looking forward to obtain fresh collaborations and new clients, simultaneously offering maintenance services to their loyal customers. With a large and continuously expanding set of solutions for new businesses it has all what you need to start, change or refresh your daily image.

Grindhouse: design & creative is a relatively new company in this branch of work as it was established in July 2009 and, since then it has always improved its products and trained its employees in order to properly fulfill the need-and-wants of their clients.

Internal Environment

The company’s headquarter is located in a flat large enough to suit 2 rooms, placed in the town center which concentrates all the main resources: personal computers, printing devices, consumables, design portfolios, art-work albums and other types of materials. All these resources are used efficiently and effectively so that the young designers of the team obtain the desired finished product. Being a relatively new company it has constantly expanded its resources since the beginning but it has always been focusing on the employees which share the same vision as the manager of the company.

As far as the human resources are concerned, the team is young, talented and its members share the same passion for their work. There are 6 employees: 3 designers, 1 software and hardware maintenance technician, 1 public relations representative and 1 marketing consultant. They are organized in such a manner that all the planned activities are achieved in optimal conditions.

If we are to take into consideration the reputation of the company, Grindhouse: design and creative has gained the trust and respect of their old clients and has always been in search of better and more complex projects in order to improve the skills of its employees and to gain experience.

Capabilities and competencies

Each new project is carefully analyzed before actual work really gets started so, in the end, it will reflect the vision of the company combined with the desire of the client. Moreover, communication is the most important aspect in the company. Each employee is treated with respect and his talent is always recognized. The manager wants to keep things simple. He said that he strongly disagreed with organizational structure and culture, emphasizing the fact that his company does not need models, ritual or heroes to follow. Each employee is unique, each project is unique and the identity of the company is the identity of each of its employees as long as they follow the mission which was described in 3 words: unique, strange and subtle. The main rule in the company is that there are no rules. Google tried it and it worked; here at Grindhouse every deadline is met as the employees work as a team, each of them giving a personal touch to the final product.

What is more amazing is that all employees are self-trained and have unique styles. The three designers are talented in different fields of design such as: abstract, film-noir-ish or old school, etc. As the definition of the term “grindhouse” explain (“A grindhouse is an American term for a theater that mainly shows exploitation films”), the company exploits in the most positive way the individual talent of each employee.

Another important aspect of the company is the system through each every client is updated with the progress of their project. Thus the company is time and cost efficient and the project is never modified or altered after it has left the computer of the designer.

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