Cultural Differences

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Publicat de: Vlad Marin
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Cultural differences

In international affairs the negotiations are not the only ones that are influenced by crossing the borders, it exists also an invisible border represented by the cultural differences.

The culture from each country influences how people think, communicate, act and the type of decisions they take.

By having a basic knowledge from each culture it can help us to improve the way of negotiate in the international area.


In American culture, respect is associated with economic success. There is a well-defined tradition of "wheeler-dealing", which refers to the interest in obtaining material symbols of success.

U.S. negotiator since talks enthusiastically appreciates this attitude tracking economic gain.


French negotiators are known for three main features of international agreements: more vigorously, using the French insistence on negotiations and bargaining style undoubtedly side.


Are seen by other nationalities as:

- amateur, unlike Americans, by professionals;

- may rather than ill-prepared well-trained;

- nice, friendly, sociable, agreeable;

- flexible and responsive to initiatives.


North European negotiations addressing more silent than Americans or Germans. There is a certain reluctance to get involved in how socially at the beginning of negotiations. Is silent, he speaks slowly and can be easily overwhelmed in this phase.

It is open to the statements he made ​​immediately and is willing to help the other party to obtain information about the position they adopt.


Mediterranean culture is primarily warmer. Greetings and social aspects are very friendly,the positions are used with exuberance and gestures. It is difficult to set talks at certain understandings or at certain stages negotiation

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