Communication System at a Hotel

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Publicat de: Toni P.
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  1. Introduction .page.3
  2. Chapter 1 Internal
  3. 1.1 Internal communication
  4. 1.2 The Selection of procedures and communication
  5. 1.3 The cost of
  6. 1.4 The Communication
  7. Chapter 2 External
  8. 2.1. Public
  9. 2.1.1. The Press
  10. 2.1.2. The Press
  11. 2.1.3.
  12. 2.2.
  13. 2.3. Some documents used in external
  14. Chapter 3 Overview of Hotel
  15. 3.1. Overview of the
  16. 3.2. The
  17. 3.2.1. The
  18. 3.2.2. The
  19. 3.2.3.The services offered by Premier
  20. Chapter 4 Diagnostic analysis of communication within the analyzed
  21. 4.1. Internal
  22. 4.2. External
  23. Chapter 5 Proposals for improving the communication system within Hotel.,.page.12

Extras din referat


Every day we are appreciated by those around us according to what we communicate to them and how we do it. In our turn we also judge others in the same way. Communication is not only inevitable when two people meet, but sometimes it may even be critical. The problem of communication is that it doesn’t always manage to convey the desired message. This is because the receiver of the message interprets it through his/her own perception, which differs from that of the communicator. Communication skills are those skills that must be learned and continually improved.

Human communication is the relationship between people and it is made with emotions, feelings, attitudes and interests. Communication is the one which creates communion and community, i.e. a web of relationships rather than a quantity of information. Someone who is ex-communicated is outside the community and communion.

Psychologists and sociologists don’t conceive communication in the absence of a subject who may be aware or not of the sent or received information. From their perspective, (Human) communication is a process by which an individual (the communicator) transmits stimuli in order to change the behavior of other individuals (the audience).

The art of speaking persuasively seems to be eternal, but it is not quite like that. The art and science of giving a persuasive speech was really born two and a half millennia ago. One of the greatest legacy the ancients left our world is Rhetoric.

The need to communicate is the most unfulfilled human need. Communication is a permanent and decisive social function. Its essence has not changed throughout the times although, during the transfer, new techniques have occurred and its content has reached a higher and higher specialization and sophistication from one epoch to another. In the contemporary era, communication is enhanced even more as a result of multiple information carriers ,of the increased traffic of information , of the diversity of the means of analysis, storage and dissemination, and especially as a result of its involvement in all times and in all areas of social life. Although the information field is and was so much studied over the time ,it continues to offer us unimaginable surprises. Information is not only an essential resource for the society but also the foundation of a new philosophy that puts its specific seals on the forms, dynamics and the style of the development. The world became aware of the power of information, of this reality which is hard to describe but which is involved in any process of change, in the internal movement of the values in all areas of existence.

Chapter 1

Internal Communication

1.1. Internal communication tools

The manager is usually described as a person who works through and by means of the employees to achieve the company goals. Working with people depends overwhelmingly on the communication skills.

Internal communication is a complex process, whose analysis requires taking into consideration many factors. First of all, it assumes the existence of a message , of a communicator and thereof of a receiver. Secondly, like any other process, it requires the completion of certain steps and it is achieved by means of certain tools and using specific channels.

The message

The subject of the communication is the message. However, the purpose of the communication is for the message to be received and understood in the way it was meant to be understood. If a good reception supposes keeping those background noises that appear on the path between the transmitter and receiver and are related to the transmission channels, a good understanding is related to the coding of the message by the issuer, respectively decoding it by the receiver of the message.

The communication channels

Over time, the number and variety of communication channels has increased along with the evolution of mankind. The increasing complexity of the problems to be solved required the emergence of new and new ways of communication, moving from oral communication, to e-mail and satellite phone which are so common nowadays.

The oral communication is the first form of human communication and the most effective due to its direct contact and immediate response. On the other hand there is the psychological effect of the positive and direct contact between the boss and the subordinates.

One of the disadvantages of the communication by phone or radio is the lack of visual contact. Another disadvantage may be that if these oral communications were not well prepared and did not consider the participants, they may become boring and a waste of time.

In conclusion, oral communication is recommended to be performed in a precise moment when is viewed as necessary to have a strong impact on receivers and a quick response from them.

Written communication is recommended when there is no possibility for oral communication, when the transmitter doesn’t have oral communications skills. The written communication does not get an immediate response and you can't be sure if the receivers understood the message or not. On the other hand, the absence of non-verbal messages leads to a lowering of the expressiveness of the message.

Nonverbal communication comes to strengthen or, conversely, to contradict the verbal communication through gestures, facial expressions or physical proximity.

The contradiction between verbal and nonverbal communication always leads to decreased reliability. Gestures often say more than words. For this reason, nonverbal communication is of particular importance.


R. Cândea, D. Cândea– „Comunicarea managerială. Concepte, deprinderi,strategii” Editura Expert Bucureşti, 1996

R. Cândea, D. Cândea – „Comunicarea managerială aplicată” Editura Expert Bucureşti, 1996

T. Georgescu – „Negocierea afacerilor”, Editura Porto Franco, Galaţi,1998

Ştefan Prutianu – „Manual de comunicare şi negociere în afaceri”, Editura Polirom, Iaşi, 2000

Neagu , Mariana , Daniela Șarpe ( 1999) . Dicționar explicativ englez - român de Termeni economici . Galați : Editura Alma ;

Stancu S. ( 2000) . Relatii Publice si Comunicare , Ed.Teora , Bucuresti ;

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