Iberostar Hotels

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Domeniu: Turism
Conține 1 fișier: pdf
Pagini : 12 în total
Cuvinte : 1486
Mărime: 1005.32KB (arhivat)
Publicat de: Florentina T.
Puncte necesare: 5
Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Dr Shqiperim Reka
English Language


  1. 1 Introduction 4
  2. 2 Overview .. 4
  3. 2.1.1 Historical Background and Management Style 4
  4. 2.1.2 Ownership and Business Sector 4
  5. 3 Financial Structure 6
  6. 4 Operational Model . 7
  7. 5 Geographical Scope 8
  8. 6 Business objectives and Vision ... 8
  9. 6.1.1 Business objectives 8
  10. 6.1.2 Vision .. 9
  11. 7 Strategies employed ... 9
  12. 8 Corporate Social Responsibility . 9
  13. 8.1.1 Commitment 9
  14. 8.1.2 ‘Wave of Change’ Initiative . 10
  15. 9 Conclusion . 10
  16. 10 References 11

Extras din referat

1. Introduction

This case study report is focused on discussing a detailed example of a tourism business from the tourism industry. The report will analyse the Iberostar Group, including information such as historical background, overview, ownership and shareholders, financial statements, operational model, geographical scope, business objectives and vision, strategies employed and corporate social responsibility approaches.

2. Overview

2.1.1 Historical Background and Management Style

The Iberostar Group is a private limited and 100 % family-owned Spanish company with a global standard in the tourism industry. First business is established in 1877, when Antoni Fluxà builds a small artisanal shoe workshop in Mallorca. Later, the Iberostar Group enters the tourism industry with the purchase of Viajes Baleares, starting to form alliances with famous tour operators. In consequence, in 1961 is established the first hotel (Iberostar Group, 2018). As explained by the company on their own site (Iberostar Group, 2018), it promotes a management style based on diversity, understanding and respecting the plurality of views, culture and sensitivities in the workforce.

2.1.2 Ownership and Business Sector

2.1.3 Table of actual managers and other members of Iberostar (Amadeus, 2017)

The company is a private limited, Miguel Fluxà Rosselló, a Spanish billionaire businessman is the only chairman and 100 % owner of Iberostar Group, supported also by other shareholders members of the board, according to the figure 2.1.3 (Amadeus, 2017). Iberostar Group is a global tourism, hotel group and has four areas of business: the hotel division, the holiday club, World to Meet and Iberoservice, and the property business. The trademark of the company is ‘first line’ hotels (directly on the beach): ‘Iberostar Hotels & Resorts is a unit of Grupo Iberostar, a large Spanish travel conglomerate, which also includes residential holiday property development, tourism services and a charitable foundation’ (Mintel, 2017).


- Amadeus (2017). Iberostar Management SA. Retrieved from: https://amadeus.bvdinfo.com/version-2019919/Search.QuickSearch.serv?_CID=1&context=QPAXHAUU6VXF5H4&loginpostback=true&ssotoken=6Jc%2buzJ3dukPlOY14KTStg%3d%3d

- Evans, N. (2020). Strategic Management for Tourism, Hospitality and Events (3rd ed.). New York: Routledge, p.264

- Iberostar. (2018). About us. Social Responsibility. CSR in the Iberostar Group. Retrieved from: https://www.iberostar.com/en/social-responsibility/

- Iberostar Group. (2018). Family. Our History. From shoemaking to tourism: an entrepreneurial adventure. Retrieved from: https://www.grupoiberostar.com/en/family/history

- Iberostar Group. (2018). Iberostar Group Rolls Out ‘Wave of Change’ Program. Retrieved from Green Lodging News: https://www.greenlodgingnews.com/iberostar-group-rolls-out-wave-of-change-program/

- Iberostar Group. (2018). Mission, Vision and Values. A company with a soul. Retrieved from: https://www.grupoiberostar.com/en/family/mission-vision-values

- IBEROSTAR Hoteles y Apartamentos SL. (2018). Iberostar Hotels & Resorts. Travel Trade Gazette UK & Ireland, p47. Retrieved from EBSCOhost: http://web.b.ebscohost.com.hallam.idm.oclc.org/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=8&sid=d21575ca-4418-49a9-98a7-3743dc1b5a12%40pdc-v-sessmgr06

- Ireland, B. (2018, October 23). Iberostar makes uniforms out of recycled plastic . Retrieved from Travel Weekly : http://www.travelweekly.co.uk/articles/314594/iberostar-makes-uniforms-out-of-recycled-plastic

- Kelly, J. (2017). The Spanish Hotel Sector - Spain - August 2017. Retrieved from Mintel Group: https://academic.mintel.com/display/792941/#

- Lemoine, A. A., Sastre, M. A., & Hormaeche, M. A. ( 2016). Sport Hotels Resort: New Offer Facing New Demanding. 8th World Conference for Graduate Research in Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure, (pp. 21-22). Bodrum.

- Map of Palma de Mallorca. (2018). Retrieved from Amourangels: http://amourangels.co/map-of-palma-majorca/

- Page, S. J. (2019). Tourism Management (6th ed.). New York: Routledge, p.216

- Parr, C. (2013, November 14). Iberostar Celebrates Its Star Chefs With Gourmet Cookbook. Retrieved from Business Insider: https://www.businessinsider.com/iberostar-celebrates-its-star-chefs-with-gourmet-cookbook-2013-11?r=US&IR=T

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