Schneider Recruiting Process

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Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Valentina Mihaela Ghina
Cum trebuie sa arate un proiect la Resurse Umane, ASE FABIZ Anul III Semestrul I.


  1. 1. Abstract Page 3
  2. 2. The Recruitment Process Page 4
  3. 3. Description of the Company Page 5
  4. 4. Current Situation of Recruiting Process at Schneider Company Page 6
  5. 5. Critical Analyze of the Recruiting Process of Schneider Page 7
  6. 6. Personal Recommendation for Possible Improvements Page 9
  7. 7. Conclusion & References Page 10

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The recruitment process for a large company like Schneider Transportation can be a tricky business. Getting the right person for a key position will have long term benefits, and that is why Schneider puts all the effort and time in hiring the best people. Given the fact that Schneider is considered one of the top transportation companies in US, the rigorous selection process includes various interviews and also practice tests. Schneider is a company that has its own established system based on its website, called Schneider e-Recruiting where candidates may apply for a job. Selecting the perfect candidate is a work that can’t be done just by one HR representative, that’s why a “recruiting team” is formed. Also the company values its actual employees and that is why internal promoting, trainings and motivation help Schneider Company maintain high standards of work and performance.

The Recruitment Process


What is to know about the recruiting process? Well it can be defined in many ways such as attracting, selecting, screening or onboarding a qualified person for a certain job. Other definitions come from identifying the needs for a firm that is required to develop a new job position for opportunists or currently working employees that can qualify for its criteria. The basic understanding of the process is making more benefits for others in order to achieve greater goals. But such a task can only be effective only if it’s followed by steps of noticing the big picture from this process, which is why each recruiter has its own process plan of obtaining the right people even though it may have similar steps or traits for recruiting.

Surprisingly not all recruiting processes come to a success, mainly because an average recruiter cannot tell which were the goals or failures that had to be accomplished in each procedural step. Even for a recruiting leader that realizes that the hiring process is failing but does not know from what weak points it appeared. So in order to identify its failures, many came up with a newer and improved process which helps lessen its weak points. It includes at least three approaches such as “Auditing each of the distinct steps in the recruiting process to identify failure points”, “Using a yield model to identify failure points” and “Using surveys to identify what’s working and what’s not working in the process”.

Since these are examples on how to examine the recruitment process, we are going to give you a demonstration on the first approach. It has 19 steps with the primary goal and cause of failure for each.

Step #1 – Determining your ideal recruiting target. Step #11 – The initial screening of applications and resumes.

Step #2 – Understanding your target’s decision criteria. Step #12 – The Initial Phone Screen.

Step #3 – Knowing where your target “hangs out”. Step #13 – Interviewing and selling qualified applicants.

Step #4 – Employment branding. Step #14 – The Final Interview.

Step #5 – Learning your target’s job search process. Step #15 – The reference checking process.

Step #6 – Posting jobs for active candidates. Step #16 – The offer process.

Step #7 – Directly Sourcing “non-active” prospects. Step #17 – The post-offer acceptance process.

Step #8 – Providing additional information. Step #18 – The onboarding process.

Step #9 – The job application process. Step #19 – Feedback & New hire monitoring.

Step #10 – Sorting applications by job.

All of these represents the essence of a recruitment process, now in order to see the failures of which can occur in all the steps is by looking for one of them to be absent, meaning if a step is skipped, then the whole hiring process is over from the very beginning. Another notice would be that if there is no goal in that step, it will show that any activity in the future will not produce benefits. Performance is another concern, if there is no data available to produce good results for its beneficiary of the process, then the whole thing is a big risk for failure. The main principle is to easily understand the whole recruitment process as a whole and importance for career success.


GHINEA, V., EDITURA BREN, Bucuresti, 2011. “Conducting the Company” – “Human Resources Management”.

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