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Publicat de: Ianis Istrate
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contine 4 seminarii

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To apply for = a aplica pentru

Applicant = candidat (fara servici)

Candidate = candidat (cu servici)

To staff = a dota

To be made redundant = a fi disponibilizat

Lay-offs = disponibilizari masive

Training = perfectionare

Self-employed (freelance) = liber profesionist

Salary = salariu lunar

Wages tips = salariu saptamanal / pe ora

Bonus perks / fringe benefits = prime, castiguri suplimentare, avantaje

Takeover bid = licitatie de preluare

1. commission - insarcinare/comision 6. worked overtime  a lucra supraprogram

2. resign - a demisiona 7. unemployed / on the dole - somer

3. income - venit 8. self-employed

4. shifts - modificare, schimabare 9. job satisfaction

5. made redundant / laid-off  somer (temporar) 10. training - instruire

Translate into English:

1. Banca nostra a dat faliment acum 6 luni si el nu a depus nici o cerere de angajare.

2. Se asteapta peste 200 de cereri de angajare pentru postul de director scos la concurs.

3. Cateva cereri au fost respinse pt ca solicitantii nu intruneau cerintele noastre.

4. Se negociaza reducerea programului de lucru de la 55 h la 40 h.

5. Conducerea bancii nostre a promis acordarea unui pachet salarial substantial angajatilor.

6. In Romania mana de lucru este mult mai ieftina decat in alte tari din UE.

7. Firma pt care prietenii mei au lucrat timp de 7 ani a dat faliment si ei au fost disponibilizati.

8. O sa imi dau demisia daca va trebui sa lucrez in ture sau sa fac naveta.

9. Personalul bancii noastre s-a plans de volumul mare de munca.

10. Acest post solicita experienta minim 5 ani, carnet de conducere si un program flexibil de munca, dar nu-mi ofera nici un beneficiu suplimentar sau sansa de a fi promovat.

11. Se astepta ca prima de Craciun sa se ridice la 100 E pt fiecare angajat.

12. El lucreaza ca liber profesionist de cand a terminat facultatea si are un venit mai mare ca al nostru.

1. Our bank went bankrupt six months ago and he hasnt applied since (until now).

2. There are expected over 200 application letters for the advertised manager job. (Over 200 applications are expected for the sales manager job.)

3. Some applications were rejected (turned-down) because the applicants didnt meet our requirements (demands).

4. It is negotiating the cut-back of work time from 55 hours to 40 hours.

5. Our banks leadership (management) promised a substantial perks to its employees.

6. In Romania, the work force is much more cheaper than in other countries in the EU.

7. The firm that my friends had worked for 7 years went bankrupt and they were made redundant (laid-off).

8. Ill resign if I have to work shifts or to comute.

9. Our bank staff has complained about the great volume of work.

10. This job requires minimum 5 years of experience, driver licence and flexible working hours. (program) but it doesnt offer any fringe benefits (perks) or a chance to be promoted.

11. It is expected that Christmas bonus to rise up to 100 E for each employee.

12. He has worked as a freelancer since he graduated and his income exceeds ours.

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