Child Development

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Publicat de: Ina Izabela Păun
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Extras din seminar

heories of Child Development

• Freud’s Psychosexual Theory

• Erikson’s Social-Emotional


• Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive


• Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral


• Fowler’s Stages of Faith

Psychosexual Theory (Freud)

• Oral (0-18 months)

• Anal (18-36 months)

• Phallic (3-6 years)

• Latency (6 years-puberty)

• Genital (Puberty and


Psychosexual Theory

Oral Stage (Birth to 18 months).

•During the oral stage, the child is focused on

oral pleasures (sucking).

•Too much or too little gratification can result in

an Oral Fixation or Oral Personality which is

evidenced by a preoccupation with oral


Psychosexual Theory

Oral Stage (Birth to 18 months).

•This type of personality may have a stronger

tendency to smoke, drink alcohol, over eat, or

bite his or her nails.

•Personality wise, these individuals may

become overly dependent upon others, gullible,

and perpetual followers. On the other hand,

they may also fight these urges and develop

pessimism and aggression toward others.

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