The History of Tourist Development

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Domeniu: Turism
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Publicat de: Timea Dumitriu
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Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Andrei Florin


  1. Theme no 2:The history of Tourist development
  2. Objectives:
  3. O The stage of tourism in antiquity.
  4. O The stage of tourism in the Middle Ages until the Renaissance.
  5. O The stage of tourism in the late Middle Ages during the Renaissance and the great geographical discoveries till mid - 20 century.
  6. O The period of contemporary tourism.
  7. O The stage of tourism in antiquity
  8. Key Words:
  9. - Travel
  10. - Trips
  11. - Problems
  12. - Movement
  13. - Events

Extras din seminar

We travel long roads and cross the water to see what we disregard when it is under our eyes. This is either because nature has so arranged things that we go after is far off and remains indifferent to what is nearby, or because any desire loses its intensity by being easily satisfied…

Wealthy people have always travelled to distant parts of the world, to see great buildings, works of art, learn new languages, and experience new cultures and to taste different cuisines. Long ago, at the time of the Roman Republic, places such as Baia were popular coastal resorts for the rich. Early explorers, traders, and shippers laid the groundwork upon which our modern age of travel is based. Human needs to arrange trips and facilitate movements have not changed over ages. Building roads, vehicles, and ships and providing overnight rest accommodations go back into antiquity. The brave explorers who went into the unknown made available to their contemporaries knowledge of what the world was really like.

Over the centuries, inventions such as the sandglass to measure time, the “log” Line to measure distance, made possible successful sea exploration. The roads of early Persia and those of the Roman Empire were used for exploration, for military purposes, for transporting tribute, and for pleasure trips and recreation. The emergence of human civilization in China, India, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome represented a favorable occasion for tourist movements. A direct source of many trips was at ancient cities like Rome, Alexandria, and Athens. During this stage appeared many problems in movement, people could move only within a particular city. But there were many attractive places, cities, events such as Olympic Games that attract people to travel.

Conclusion: However, the conditions for an ever- expanding tourism market are little different now from Roman times. Tourism will flourish if prospective travelers are convinced that they will be safe and comfortable and well rewarded by their trip.

O The stage of tourism in the Middle Ages until the Renaissance.

Key Words:

- Pseudo-tourist

- Trade routes

- Religious issues

- First universities

Pseudo-tourist corresponds to the period between medieval and Renaissance history in Europe. During this period all tourism activity is confused due to religious fanaticism. People travel from one region to another because of religious issues. Appear pilgrimages to Rome and Jerusalem (are visited by the Christians), Medina and Mecca (by the Muslims), Lhasa by the Buddhists, Mount Fuji (is the pole of gravity for touristic activities) by the Japanese. Convoys were led by monk guides.

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