Documente publicate de Romulus-Stancu Alexandru

Romulus-Stancu Alexandru

Romulus-Stancu Alexandru

11 documente publicate în Biblioteca RegieLive

Internaționalizarea Sectorului serviciilor-factor al Creșterii și Dezvoltării Economice Contemporane

Introducere Creşterea rolului serviciilor în viata economica si sociala pe plan mondial, în special pentru tarile dezvoltate, a fost interpretata de sociologi ca o înlocuire a “civilizaţiei primare” cu “civilizaţia terţiara”, deoarece societatea în care predomina serviciile au ocupat, treptat, locul celei în care... citește mai departe

73 pagini 10 puncte Cuprins Extras Preview

The Quality în The Domain of Services - Concept, The Total Quality and The Assessment of The Quality

A. The concept of quality in services The quality means different things for different persons depending on their experience and their position in an organization, thus, even though the preoccupations for quality appeared from the very beginning of humankind, only in the 20th century a spectacular evolution of the... citește mai departe

11 pagini Gratis Extras Preview

The Modern Comerce în România

The modern commerce comes off through the agency of the stores with considerable commercial surfaces and more and more bigger as in the case of the stores of the type hypermarket, supermarket, discount and cash and carry that are the places where the population prefer to do the shopping at the present time. The... citește mai departe

5 pagini Gratis Extras Preview

The Expansion of the Services for Enterprises în România

Introduction The real recuperative process of the gaps can be sustainable and durative only under the conditions of a real convergence which considers that making compatible the economical structure with the one of the other European country has priority. As opposed to the industrial sector, where the structural... citește mai departe

5 pagini 5 puncte Extras Preview

The Evolution of Real Transactions în România

The real market in Romania is still in its pursuit and settlement phase. However, there are a series of premises that prefigure a promising future. From these premises, some more evident would be : - At the present time in our country there is an unsatisfied demand of dwellings, demand constituted especially by... citește mai departe

5 pagini 5 puncte Extras Preview

The Migration of The Work Force from România Abroad - Reasons, Possibilities, Chances, Implications

Even though in Romania there are a few social categories with incomes comparable to those of the Occidentals : enterprisers, notaries, the wage earners working in banks and communications, peasants that sold their lands for millions of euros, but also enough budgetary people and, as well, all kinds of dodgers,... citește mai departe

5 pagini 5 puncte Extras Preview

The South-West Region Oltenia and its Contribution to the Economic Development

With a surface of 29.212 km2, the south-west region represents 12.3% of Romania’s total surface. From a geographical point of view, is a neighboring region with the Center region and the West region in the north, with the South region in the east, with Bulgaria in the south being limited by Danube and with Serbia in... citește mai departe

4 pagini 6 puncte Extras Preview

The Touristical Consumption

Introduction The touristical products, like any other, have a life cycle, that is, they appear, they develop, they grow old and then they disappear from the market. Experience shows that the life cycle becomes shorter and shorter, that they become more and more perishable and that they go out of use faster.... citește mai departe

6 pagini 5 puncte Extras Preview

The Conceptual Approachment of Touristical Marketing

The possibility of accommodating the marketing to all areas of human activity is unanimously accepted by specialists. One of the fundamental peculiarities of marketing, that characterizes the necessity, the importance and its dynamism, is constituted by universality. The adaptation of the marketing optic to the... citește mai departe

5 pagini 6 puncte Extras Preview

Marketing's Peculiarities în Health Services

SUMMARY: The present paper has as its purpose to bring in evidence some of the peculiarities of the application of marketing in the domain of health services, emphasizing the intercessions of the specific organizations initiated at the microeconomic level, and only tangentially those developed at the macroeconomic... citește mai departe

7 pagini 7 puncte Extras Preview

Tendințe în comerțul cu ridicata

Antrenat intr-un proces de distribuire care, in mod progresiv, asa cum s-a mai aratat, a devenit un sector economic foarte dinamic, comertul cu ridicata a cunoscut si va cunoas te in continuare multiple transformari, aparand astfel o serie de trasaturi bine conturate cu privire la viitoarea sa evolutie. Respectivele... citește mai departe

4 pagini 7 puncte Extras Preview